So I guess that means I have to keep working and paying the toll.... but can't agree with the too old to Rock n' Roll sentiment
Just found out that the medical coverage I've had for 3-4 years and have been paying $350/mo for for me and my family will be going up in Jan to $709/mo, with increased co-pays and prescription costs!! That's $8500/yr for a family of 3!!!!

Good thing Johnny Mack didn't get elected, his $5k tax credit wouldn't have done SHIT for me! It's a pretty sad sign of the times when you see a 110% increase in costs in large part because the son to be former Federal Govt made a decision in 2007 that any sole source contract had to be open bid and that no single entity could bid on the work, that the bidders had to be a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) to qualify. Our institution (to remain unnamed) was a sole source Contractor for 53 years prior to this and all we've seen is continually decreasing benefits, staff cuts, and worsening salary packages since.
Here's to the good old days... may we drink to forget, lest we remember.

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