One more competition down, and 2nd place in the division this week! Congratulations to the Marching Ensemble... woo hoo!!! And Jazz Band took 2nd in their division, with Jazz Ensemble taking the Sweepstakes award, so we came home with our buses heavier than when we left!
But mixed emotions because this signals the end of the competitions for my daughter's high school marching career. Her Drill Team didn't place, but they improved by more than 10 points, and that's a MAJOR deal for them... and they looked great!
Very proud of how she stepped up to the challenge this year with a squad of 6 rookies; 5 freshmen and one sophomore, and none of them having ever performed in this type of a situation before. Not only did we see a frazzled Captain learn to be calm, but also learn to work well with a bunch of others and take ownership of making them proud to be a part of the team. Congratulations... YOU DID IT!!
Also bittersweet to see our Seniors graduate, but this year we had the smallest group of Seniors in the 4 years I've been working with the band, so hopefully, we'll have a good crop of incoming freshmen and the band will grown in size again next year.
Job well done, SRVHS Marching Wolves... I'm gonna miss all of you guys a bunch!
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